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Year: 2014

Finishing Wisdom: 4 Briefs From the Blog

If you’re a longtime-listener-first-time-caller type, here’s a “CliffsNotes” style summary of four recent posts covering finishing wisdom from the always informative, dependably inspiring Accessa Coating Solutions blog. You’ll get caught up with great finishing ideas faster than acetone evaporates in the sun. An array of topics in short form give you the essence of the original story in a quick...
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From data to wisdom: charting your shop’s new path

Before metalworking coolants are drawn, lubricants changed, adhesives applied or before any conversion coating solution is even dreamt about, data are being collected and managed somewhere along the food chain. I am no expert in data science but I do appreciate how much (and how fast) industry is being tantalized with the power of data. What’s relevant for any shop is that meaningful data manageme...
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Material Gains Come With a Price

Don’t assume the things you will be manufacturing in the future will be made from the same materials you’re used to finishing now. For that matter, don’t assume they’ll be made from materials you’re even familiar with now. Do assume, however, that your customers will continue to seek out finished goods that are delivered cheaper, faster and, ultimately, deemed better in the marketplace—they will d...
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25 Industrious news bits challenge YOU to connect the dots

It’s not so much in the collecting of the dots as it is in the connecting a link to your business that matters. Just last week one of my favorites, the best selling business author, Seth Godin wrote “Connecting dots, solving the problem that hasn't been solved before, seeing the pattern before it is made obvious, is more essential than ever before. Why then, do we spend so much time collecting dot...
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Choosing the perfect shade just got easier for professionals INDIANAPOLIS —Picking a paint color just got faster, easier and more fun for professionals who purchase high-quality commercial/industrial finishes and coatings. With the new ACCESSA Coatings Solutions app, bulky color cards are no longer necessary. Users simply open the free app, filter by color family and browse readily available sh...
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In the Finishing Industry, Lead With Questions and Act Accordingly

How likely is it that a customer would recommend our company to a friend or colleague? That’s a great question for anyone in the finishing industry and your organization to ask because the answer provides a revealing measure of your company’s product through your customers’ eyes. What could be better? But if you cannot answer the question with conviction “They’re loyal enthusiasts who’ll keep buyi...
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Lip service, nosebleeds and value propositions

Why do we find it so hard to walk the talk when it comes to the importance of human capital? No one argues the importance of people to our businesses. CEOs famously assert in their public relations efforts “people are our most important asset.” And in survey after survey we hear various leaders, for small and larger operations alike, recount the importance of good people and the relationship of hu...
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Quality Assurance? Call me crazy

With some companies, recording customer phone calls is common practice. Under the guise of “quality improvement,” or Quality Assurance, you can expect a utility or an insurance company to offer you the fair and familiar warning. “This call might be monitored or recorded for quality assurance purposes ….” Something like that. I’m never really sure. All they said was it “might” be recorded. I must s...
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A Few Words on Workflow for Coating Finishers Big and Small

For coating finishers, finishing has everything to do with workflow; it’s the most promising path to perfection and effectiveness. Your stuff must be produced fast and smart. It requires teamwork, efficiency and effectiveness. And it’s the effectiveness you produce that earns success. Your efficiency is merely the “how,” which, if you think about it, is precisely what everyone else must do. So ...
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Primers Form Foundation for Success

Galileo, one of history’s most famous scientists, conducted one of his legendary experiments in Italy—at the Tower of Pisa (aka “Leaning Tower of Pisa”). There, as the story goes, using the convenience of the overreaching balconies, he proved that gravity was undiscerning and would pull any object of the same air resistance to the ground at the same rate, no matter the weight of the object. A ...
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