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The Industrious Blog

The Importance of Face-to-Face Meetings in a Digital World

In our fast-paced, digitally-driven world, we often find ourselves communicating with colleagues, clients, and partners through email, text messaging, and video calls. While these modes of communication have their benefits, there is still something to be said about the value of face-to-face meetings. As my father used to say, "there's no replacement for face-to-face meetings." Let’s explore why th...
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Why an Economic Slowdown is a Time of Opportunity

Economic slowdowns can be challenging to businesses. They can lead to job losses, downsizing, and a decrease in productivity. However, it is important to recognize that a slowdown is also a time of opportunity. It is an opportunity for companies to address the pains that they have been facing and for prospective vendors to offer solutions to these pains.  Let's take a closer look at the opportun...
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Powerful Teams Can Answer These Five Questions

Building a powerful team doesn’t happen by accident. It takes time, attention and a willingness to feel some discomfort. But the payoff is big. Having a powerful team supports company morale, increases productivity and allows you to serve your customers more effectively. At Accessa, we work consistently to grow and strengthen Team Accessa, often working with experts outside of our field to guid...
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The Easiest Job in the World: Monday Morning Quarterback

We've all heard the phrase "hindsight is 20/20" and it certainly rings true when it comes to providing advice. It's easy to watch a game on TV and shout at the screen, "You should have done this!" but it's an entirely different story when you're the one on the field trying to execute split-second decisions. What do we mean by Monday morning quarterback? This term originated in American football...
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What Separates Good Customer Service from Just Lip Service?

Customer service is the backbone of any business. It is the way you interact with your customers that matters the most. Good customer service can help you retain your existing customers and earn new ones. However, not all customer service is created equal. Some businesses just pay lip service to their customers, while others go above and beyond to offer exceptional service. What separates good cus...
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Coatings: Hiding in Plain Sight

If “paint” is the only thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “coatings,” we invite you to think again. Hiding in plain sight, coatings are all around us. They can make words more legible, cars more comfortable, floors more protected and our living environments more beautiful.  Sound like a lot of smoke and mirrors? Let’s start with a simple example:  Kitchen Cabinets   If you’re...
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The Value of Diversification

Having diversification in Accessa's product mix is essential to running a successful distribution company. By not having all of our eggs in one basket, we can provide top-notch service and recommendations to our customers, and we can limit the risks associated with relying on only one source of revenue. How do we value diversification? Our reps are consultants, not just salespeople. This means th...
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Delegate Without Delegating

By Mike Bensi, Consultant and Founder at Bensi & Company Delegation was once described to me as the ability to share the workload without passing the buck. While I typically see leaders understand the importance of sharing tasks and responsibilities, I tend to hear: "It will take too much time."  "I can do it faster. "  "If there is a mistake, it is my name on the line. "  The t...
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Changing Materials Leads to Immediate Advantages for Manufacturer

In the fall of 2022, a manufacturer of molded integral skin urethane products contacted Accessa to ask about our in-mold coatings. We learned a lot during that first phone conversation. Every Accessa customer is different. Their challenges, needs and priorities vary. It’s our responsibility to understand these things so that we can deliver the greatest value to them. Not long after that firs...
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Dare To Be Different

We all want to fit in. It's human nature. But when it comes to our decisions and lifestyle choices, it makes sense to take a step back every now and then and ask ourselves if zigging when everyone else is zagging might be the best course of action. Daring to be different often requires courage and confidence, but the rewards can be great: Entrepreneurial leaps of faith that lead us down new...
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