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“Social Media Explained”

If you didn’t get it before, you’ll get it now

First, let me explain. I have a humorous yet explicit chart to share with you that illustrates how to use social media, once and for all. I didn’t create it but it probably has enough legs to go viral—so I’m just doing my part. In the meantime, see if you don’t agree that Social Media Explained clarifies how to properly use seven of the most popular social media channels, each one in four in words or less. Now you have it, and you’ll never forget it.

A time and a place for everything

Have you ever worried that you could seriously embarrass yourself using social media? Even worse, embarrass your company? Don’t be inhibited. Social Media Explained helps you avoid such blunders. The next time you want to shout out, you’ll know the most appropriate social channel to use—and which one you should not use. Here’s what I mean:

1)   If you think you’re good at something (like peeing), Linkedin is the correct place to brag about your talent. By contrast, overtly bragging on Facebook would be tantamount to social suicide.

2)   If you want people to know what you’re thinking (you’d like to pee), Twitter would be an easy medium to use. Because on YouTube people are really only interested to see that you’ve already done it.

3)   Finally, if you’re going to all this trouble to shout out and make a video, do it somewhere interesting and then let people know where it was by using Foursquare.


I don’t know for sure who wrote Social Media Explained but here is the earliest usage I could find. It was dated March 17, 2011. If you’re the author of SME let me know! We attempted to track you down just to let you know we appreciate the insight. If you’d like to share it, here’s a PDF you can download: Social Media Explained

HIT Solutions believes the more your business keeps up with important trends, the more you will improve your product, and improve your bottom line.

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